About Us

Hullabaloo is a blog about music and how it connects us.

We think that writing about music ought to reflect the same wildness, tenderness, and creative vulnerability as the music itself, and that’s what we try to do.

We cover all genres and all artists, *but* we heavily prioritize non-straight / cis / white / male artists in order to promote a more representational media landscape.

A friend recently described Hullabaloo as “interpretive dance for music writing” which I love very much. We post music alongside poetry, prose, essays, and visual arts, and we always aim to surprise. We don’t post negative write ups.

We’re really interested in the intersections of music +

  • Poetry
  • Activism
  • Mental Health
  • Amusing anecdotes and/or profound self-deprecation
  • Community
  • Feminism

+++ lots more, but if I put them all it would be such a long list. You get the idea.

We’re always looking for new writers and new music. If you’d like to contribute or submit to Hullabaloo please get in touch at:
